Fertility Care

Fertility Care
Fertility Care

An integrative mind-body approach towards pregnancy, naturally or assisted.1:1 fertility doula support creating safe, nourishing care for hopeful mothers. Experience a variety of healing techniques and gain an understanding as to how they relate to blocked conception, hormonal imbalance, irregular cycles, painful menstruation, and more.

Temple Cleanse
Outline and support with clearing out toxic homewares and replacing with non-toxic products including kitchen, beauty and cleaning supplies and more.

Pregnancy Prep
A reacquainting of pregnancy & birth focusing on empowerment, creating awareness, confidence, and self-autonomy.

Integration modalities of meditation, deep listening, and self-care that support mental and emotional wellbeing during the fertility journey.

Womb Blessing + Anointing Oils
Scent is one of our most primal senses, become attuned to your body and baby with the use of essential oils.

Nutrition + Lifestyle Support
An examination and tune-up of your dietary and lifestyle practices to help better align you with your goals.

Virtual Doula Support
Audio, video, and text communication to support clients at a distance and help to troubleshoot and prepare for various milestones.

Investment: $2,500