Childbirth Education Classes

Childbirth education invites you to understand the changes your body is making monthly & how it is preparing for a healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby, and why thoughtful, nourishing, supportive care throughout is vital for postpartum integration in mothers. We will also cover informed consent, reproductive rights and laws for childbearing and breastfeeding women and families.

Labor Basics 

Anatomy and physiology of birth

Stages of labor

Expressing birth choices (“birth plan or birth preferences”)

Navigating hospital birth and elevating medical providers

Medical procedures and interventions – what you need to know

Plan E(Elective/Emergency) – Cesarean birth 

Labor Comfort Techniques  

Medicated Birth: epidurals, nitrous, and analgesics

Unmedicated Birth: breathwork, flow & loving touch

Immediate Postpartum  “The First Days” 

Newborn care procedures and newborn responses/behaviors

First five days – Expectations & Actuality – What is normal for you

Rev, Maritday Rodriguez, Full Spectrum Doula, CLC, creates an enriching class experience by weaving lecture, discussion, practical learning, and self-reflection.