Henna Belly Blessing

What is a Henna Belly Blessing?
Henna is a plant-based natural and temporary skin adornment, that last for 10-14 days. Henna is used traditionally for blessing ways, weddings, baby showers and religious celebrations.

The majority of my henna belly appointments are done locally with the client privately, in photo shoots or at their baby shower (this way guests get henna too!) but I travel as well.

Design can take anywhere from 45-60 minutes to complete. Most babes in mom’s tummy will bounce around and give a kick here and there as I apply the henna. It’s so fun to watch them ebb and flow during each session.
Each belly is wrapped to ensure darkest and longest stain results of the henna body art tattoo. I am inspired by other artists and add my own flavor for the final design.

The Henna stains a beautiful reddish tone. Seeing how beautiful the design comes out is just amazing. Henna will be a light orange tone at first and then suddenly over the next few hours (24-48 hours) the design gets darker and deepens.

Each design created is reflective of the energy I feel from each person.

Would love to book Belly Henna with you or your loved one.

Please call or text for appointments

